Author Bio:
Eliana Marris has educated over two million people on self-improvement, health, and psychology through her writing online. She is also a lifestyle blogger frequently published at the Wellness Universe. Follow her at
What inspires you to write?
What inspires me to write is also the reason I started writing in the first place long before anyone ever read my work. Several years ago I was in a relationship where I didn't feel heard, considered, or important. This was a time in my life where these things were very important to me, and I had no outlet for speaking my mind or talking about my emotions.
Without realizing it consciously, I had begun writing note after note in my phone and on my computer. Any thoughts or feelings I had I would stop what I was doing and type away until I had got it all down. And I still do that to this day.
In a way, I thank him for not listening to me. Otherwise, I would have had no strong need for writing and creating a sense of being heard where often no one was listening.
Tell us about your writing process.
My writing process consists of first writing down all the chapters. Then underneath each part I would list a summary of what I would like to discuss or the ideas I'd like to portray. Once Iv'e got these basic notes I start to elaborate on them until they become paragraphs.
For every new chapter I do the same and then proof read a few times through. This way of writing suits me well because usually I'll have a lot of ideas all come to me at once and structuring is essential to the self-help genre.
Who are your favorite authors?
My favorite authors are Samantha Brett and Steph Adams mostly for their book "The Game Changers" which talked about success secrets from inspirational women that have great influence over the world.
It's my favorite book not only because the women in it are modern, but also because its relateable. It gives not only me but so many other young women around the world the hope that one day they would have their name mentioned in a book just like it.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I personally decided to self-publish because this way I have full control over my book. It won't get a marketing team behind it or as much coverage and sales, but it means I get to be me. And being you is more valuable than any publishing deal out there.
Another big part of why I chose to self-publish was because I felt that I had a message to put out and didn't feel the need to have it 'accepted' by anyone. If I had submitted my book to publishers, no matter how hard I had worked on it, it was still most likely that it would have been rejected every single time.
That's just the reality of traditional publishing. But on the bright side, there's no reason you should let that stop you from getting your story out there.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
As technology advances and becomes more easily accessible, eBooks will become more popular along with it. I believe that traditional publishing will stick around for a while, but eBooks and authors choosing to self-publish eBooks will become a more popular option.
It's easier, it costs a lot less, your work doesn't have to be accepted or rejected by anyone, and there are no restrictions as to where your book is available (libraries, retailers etc). These are just a few reasons why I think the future of book publishing is leaning more heavily towards digital books.
What genres do you write?
Non-fiction and Self-help
What formats are your books in?
Eliana Marris Home Page Link
Author’s Social Media Links
All information is provided by the author and is presented as it was submitted so you the reader get to hear the author’s own “voice” in their interview.