Author Bio:
I am a scientist and a mom. I currently reside in New England and draw from my interests in history, science, the outdoors, and my family for inspiration. I write historical and contemporary romances and women’s fiction. I enjoy writing non-fiction articles for family-oriented travel magazines and aspire to write children’s books while continuing to write novels. When I finally got to visit Scotland, it was nothing short of breathtaking. I enjoy working in my flower gardens, tackling the biggest mountains in New England with my husband, and playing with my sons, while daydreaming about the next hero and heroine to write about…
What inspires you to write?
I'm a daydreamer. I love everything medieval Scotland, so that's where I've been hanging out now for years during my honing of craft and exploration of publication. Sweeping moors and majestic crags aside, I love a fella in a kilt (but alas, not in 13th century Scotland), and a happy ever after. Over the past few years I've delved into women's fiction, as they say "write what you know," or in my opinion, something that is dear to you — be it a place, a cause, or an issue. Try as I might, I have a hard time with twisted or dark endings. I love a happy ever after. It's probably why much of my journey has been writing romance.
Tell us about your writing process.
I am a plotter! But not just plot, I like to do a lot of pre-writing on character development. Books I swear by: GMC: The building blocks of fiction (Debra Dixon) and the entire Thesaurus series (Ackerman and Puglisi). I like making GMC charts, and have created my own version of a character development page, asking all the big questions to dig deeper into their personality. Beat sheets are also helpful. This doesn't mean I don't pants a bit, too. I write where my characters take me. I've learned through trial and error (and writing 3 unpublished books before #4 hit publication), that a plot is great, but really knowing your characters is, too. Now I "know" them before I even start!
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I feel their emotions and have empathy for them. Yes, even the villains. A flawed, wounded, yet sympathetic villain is very appealing. My characters do talk to me and take me on adventures, but sometimes I need to reel them in.
Who are your favorite authors?
Diana Gabaldon, Kristin Hannah, Jodi Picoult
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I tried the agent route (to get to a big publisher) for years. Lots of rejections. Lots of feedback and learning. Finally, I decided to try a few small presses. That was my golden ticket. I am very pleased with how supportive The Wild Rose Press is with their authors. It's an amazing, interactive, supportive community.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
That's a loaded question. I really don't know. As much as e-books have risen, I think the industry will fall back to print. I do see audio books booming. I hope that the path to publication becomes easier and more hopeful to authors.
What genres do you write?
Romance, Women's Fiction
What formats are your books in?
eBook, Print, Audiobook
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All information is provided by the author and is presented as it was submitted so you the reader get to hear the author’s own “voice” in their interview.