Author Bio:
Rogene Robbins is an author, artist, gluten free home cook and student of positive thinking and spirituality. Her writing is inspired by personal experience, faith and the desire to teach and help people. She lives on the shores of Grand Lake O the Cherokee with her husband Bob and their fur child Callie where they enjoy a quiet life with beautiful sunrises and sunsets.
She has written four books. The first, Creating a Successful Craft Business inspired by her personal experience in the craft business, was traditionally published by Allworth Press/Skyhorse Publishing in 2003. The last three, Frozen Fun! 25 Dairy and Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes, Have Yourself a Healthy Little Holiday and The Gluten Free Good Life are self published as Amazon Kindle e-books. She is also the has a daily blog Espirational: A 10 Minute Vacation for the Soul.
What inspires you to write?
As a non-fiction writer what inspires me to write is helping people. Whether writing about how to start a craft business, eating and cooking with food restrictions or positive thinking and spirituality my goal is to show how it is possible to use creativity to make life better.
Tell us about your writing process.
As a non-fiction writer I am a bit of an outliner and a bit of a seat of the pants writer. It all start with an idea that won't leave me alone. Then I make a rough outline with basic chapter titles and do my research. But when it comes to the actual writing I pretty much let it fly, changing and adding chapters as needed.
Who are your favorite authors?
I read a lot of non-fiction. My favorite writers in that genre are Barbara Brabec and Dr. Susan Jeffers. I also read poetry including Kalhil Gibran and Mary Oliver.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
For my first book I wanted to go the traditional publishing route. I also wanted a New York publisher. It was a vanity thing for me. The first publisher I approached accepted my book after a requested rewrite. I appreciated the editorial assistance and they made my book better than I had ever imagined.
For my books after that I decided to go independent and publish e-books through Kindle. The reason for this is the publisher did very little to help promote my book. Learning to do my own promotion is an ongoing experience.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think we will see fewer old style publishing houses. We are already seeing more people self publishing. In the future I think we will see people self-publishing and using the services of independent editors and publicists. While we will see more e-books, I don't believe print books will go away, at least not in the near future. I spend a lot of time in libraries and see them becoming active, thriving community centers with more activities, but people are still reading and checking out print books.
What genres do you write?
non fiction
What formats are your books in?
eBook, Print
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All information is provided by the author and is presented as it was submitted so you the reader get to hear the author’s own “voice” in their interview.