Generations: A Science Fiction Mystery Thriller by Noam Josephides
“An epic science fiction political noir!” – Publishers Weekly || ”Extraordinary!” – Kirkus Reviews || “Generations proves as brisk and engaging as it is ambitious.” – BookLife
GENERATIONS IS A HEART-POUNDING SCIFI MYSTERY set on a generation ship, where an introvert Archivist is thrown down a spiraling rabbit-hole of treachery and revelations about her – and Humanity’s – past.
Only her wits, courage and personal sacrifice could save her society’s future from the grand conspiracy plotted for generations by Humanity’s leaders.
Targeted Age Group:: YA, NYA, Adult
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 1 – G Rated Clean Read
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I started the journey that became “Generations” as the COVID crisis was taking over the world, and many ‘perfect storms’ seemed to align simultaneously: political forces, economic power structures, social patterns and the media chaos around the notion of ‘truth’ — all unraveled their underlying nature under the weight of global stress.
Enter the rise of Artificial Intelligence a year later, and things started moving so fast on such fundamental levels of our modern existence, that one had to start asking themselves: who has the power to make basic decisions about my life? What are the boundaries of one’s responsibility to our community, family, self? And what are the foundational values that make us human, and that we envision our future generations to uphold?
Science Fiction was the perfect stage to engage in such discussions, and the story opened up as more traditions, assumptions and ‘known truths’ about our life were allowed into that speculative experiment lab.w
How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
I got my best lesson in unforgettable villains from classic cinema.
One type of such masterful evil is the "total evil" villain. Today we mainly see them in animation or superhero/fantasy (think Jafar from Aladdin, Sauron from LOTR or your typical Marvel villain).
In 50s/60s Hollywood, those "flat" villains were also quite common in major live action films.
Today, we are leaning more towards the complex villain. The great lesson I carry with me when writing is that you should craft your villains in such a way that if needed – you could justify them. You could stand up in their defense and argue that if you just shift perspectives, they are the good guys actually!
That leads to a complex and interesting story, as your protagonist is not caught in a "ultimate good vs. ultimate evil" battle which is quite trite.
In "Generations", our villain is Sebastian Anderson, the Thetis leader. But there are also his wife Cassisi who's a genius manipulator working behind the scenes. And if Sandrine, our leading character, is sure about her cause – so are they. And they have a point, which makes the story interesting.
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