Within and Without Time: (Christian Mystery Thriller) by D. I. Hennessey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A powerful story of transformation and destiny... When sixteen-year-old Jimmy Moretti is suddenly thrust into a series of miraculous encounters, his life is forever changed. Set against the backdrop of a small town, Jimmy's journey begins as he meets a powerful angelic warrior and becomes part of God's plan for Earth's final Great Revival. But as he navigates through heartwarming and heart-rending … [Read more...] about Within and Without Time: (Christian Mystery Thriller) by D. I. Hennessey
Interview with Author – Robin G Howard
Author Bio: Robin G Howard is the author of a series of science fiction fantasy novels and short stories portraying the Jim Long space agent series plus three non-fiction supernatural titles. Entering into a turbulent world by birth in 1940 there have been many strange, unaccountable incidents showing there is far more to life than we will ever know. Life is as if being on top of an iceberg, the submerged part unknown and out of reach. The spiritual exploration discovered by a degree of … [Read more...] about Interview with Author – Robin G Howard