Roderick Edwards Author Bio:
Roderick Edwards (aka RoderickE) is a multi-genre author of over 30 books on topics as wide ranging as an autobiography of his being left for dead at the hospital at birth and his subsequent adoption at age 4 and reunion with his birth family at age 50. Or a series of books on WW2 cargo pilots that served in India with one of the men returning to the USA to develop the satellite program during the space race with the Soviets. RoderickE also has time travel fictions, books on politics, race relations, religion, philosophy, and poetry. Sometimes called the “Bansky of Books” due to his unexpected style that bypasses the cookie-cutter market-driven fare, you’ll be certain to find something you will enjoy, or you will dive into a new genre with seamless crossover.
What inspires you to write?
As an adoptee left for dead at the hospital at birth, I see the world differently, especially as disconnected from the tribal and biased mentality of many people. My writing is an exploration and expression of that difference.
Tell us about your writing process.
I didn't realize until recently that the writing community considers me a "pantser"; a person that develops the content without a written outline. I like the title intuitive writer much better. We intuitives do have an outline, but it is in our mind and the story develops as we move along so that even in writing it we get to share in and enjoy the experience like the reader. This seems more natural and organic than forcing an outline. However, it can also cause inconsistencies and even plotholes.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
When I write fiction, since I am a multi-genre author and switch between genre often — but when writing fiction, I assume each character. I become them. I try to think how they would think and react in the situations I present to them in the story.
Who are your favorite authors?
Oddly enough, I like Isaac Asimov for his technical approaches, though he does have a great yet dry sense of humor. But the big surprise to people might be that I like Nostradamus because his work is very poetic. I especially love alliteration as the literary vehicle and readers will experience that in my books, albeit subtle.
What genres do you write?
biography, fiction, timetravel, nonfiction,history,religion,politics,society,and more
How did you choose the genre(s) you write?
Choose? I didn't realize I was supposed to choose — LOL. I think the genres I move into and out of are simply reflections of what interests me.
What three things are on your writing desk at any given moment?
A laptop, a cup of tea, a window to let my mind wander a moment.
What hobbies do you have when you need a break from writing?
I live on a 17-acre swamp lake in the middle of the Ocala forest in Florida. I raised chickens and ducks and maintain a greenhouse. The wildlife on my property is amazing.
What formats are your books in?
eBook, Print, Audiobook
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All information is provided by the author and is presented as it was submitted so you the reader get to hear the author’s own “voice” in their interview.