Pamela Joyce Hayes Liggins Author Bio:
Pamela Joyce Hayes is a Harlem native, born and raised in Lincoln Projects. Pamela is the
oldest out of three children born to Viola Hayes and the late John Hayes. Pamela was a devoted wife
for fourteen years, and an amazing mom to two beautiful sons Darrell and Xavier.
Pamela has been writing since she was nine years old. She has a love for creating stories on paper and
always dreamed of becoming an author. She decided to put her story on paper when her now ex-
husband was arrested in February 2003. This turned her family upside down. Pamela and her family
were devastated. Her family did not know what to do and the prison system does not come with
instructions. She lost everything. Her and her family was hit with the harsh reality of life when one of
your family members goes to prison.
On Saturday, May 23rd 2009 it changed Pamela’s life. She became a published author. Pamela has
been writing all of her life. But when your world of emotions, pain, sadness, become public it is an
indescribable feeling. You are letting the world into your world. That is what being an author is to me.
Creating your world as you see, feel and experience it and allowing people in to experience how you see
the world. You are allowing the world to know you on an intimate level.
Her first book Family Tyme! Don’t Get Caught Up! Her second book is Family Tyme! Pay Back is a
BITCH! And her third book is FYER! The Diary of a BI Sexual Woman! One of her big
accomplishments besides writing her books is her first book is an audiobook. This project is a movie
without the picture. She was one of the first urban authors to do a audio book in this format.
Pamela latest series that will be taking the book world by storm is “Side Chick”, coming this winter.
Pamela is happy to be building her own world as while is break out in new ventures. August 2019 she
entered into a new area of the writing world. Pamela introduced the world to” Brown Girl” which is her
first of many children’s books to come. Stay tuned for several new stories, characters, and adventures.
Pamela just finished recording her second audio book “Falsely Accused” which is also her first short film this month September 2023. Pamela is happy to be making her mark in the world.
What inspires you to write?
Life, my creative mind I see my dreams in color
Tell us about your writing process.
I see my stories in my mind first, life experiences, and I listen to music as I create. It depends on the mood or what character I am writing about that us the type of music I am listening to to create my stories on paper.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
By music and the actual story
Who are your favorite authors?
Shonda Rimes, Vickie Stringer Let that be the Reason.
What genres do you write?
Urban fiction, fiction, childrens
How did you choose the genre(s) you write?
I like to create stories that I know and lived to maybe help someone dealing with issues I have been involved in.
What three things are on your writing desk at any given moment?
music device pencil paper
What hobbies do you have when you need a break from writing?
I crochet by pattern
What formats are your books in?
eBook, Print, Audiobook
Author’s Social Media Links
All information is provided by the author and is presented as it was submitted so you the reader get to hear the author’s own “voice” in their interview.