Author Bio:
I studied film-making and screenwriting at the University of Miami in the 80’s; was involved in the Boston Poetry Scene in the 90’s; and have focused on fiction since 2007. My first two books of contemporary crime fiction are currently out of print. I currently have two books of historical crime fiction as part of a series, The Ark City Confidential Chronicles.
What inspires you to write?
Words are fascinating. The opportunity to connect words into a sentence, then a paragraph, then a chapter is much more of a challenge than most consider. Language has the ability to inspire as well as incite.
Tell us about your writing process.
I'm sorry to admit I do not have any unusual writing habits. I don't write early or late as a matter of course. I don't listen to music while I'm writing. I have become a hybrid pantser/plotter. However, the plot usually transforms itself as the writing takes place.
Telling a good story and dedication to the craft and my own instincts drives my writing.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
Once I fully understand who the characters are, there is a general sense they would or would not do or say something. It is important to allow them to live and breathe as though they were sitting next to you.
Who are your favorite authors?
The old school Black Mask writers, especially Hammett and Chandler, are like godfathers to me. I thoroughly enjoy the pulp novels of Jim Thompson and the skewed psychology of his characters. James Ellroy's scatological style highly appeals to me as well. The darkness of Cornell Woolrich has a tendency to sneak into my writing.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I met small press editors at writing conferences and made personal connections first before reaching out to them professionally.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I do not think we will ever make book publishing (i.e. printing) obsolete. Readers crave excitement, adventure, and knowledge. It is incumbent upon writers to not disappoint their readers.
What genres do you write?
Historical Crime Fiction; Contemporary Crime Fiction; Transgressive Fiction; Experimental Fiction
What formats are your books in?
eBook, Print, Audiobook
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All information is provided by the author and is presented as it was submitted so you the reader get to hear the author’s own “voice” in their interview.