Author Bio:
Faithaline Hippolyte is a writer, a wife, and the wacky mother of two adorable young boys. She is the author of the books in the Freedom Series, including “Secrets To Becoming A Wiser, More Confident And Happier You: All IN JUST 10 MINUTES A DAY!” and “Summer Stirrings,” a romance novel.
Besides spending time with family and friends, and eating cake and ice cream (simultaneously); she also gets immense pleasure from bringing encouragement to others through her writing.
What inspires you to write?
The thing that inspires me to write, is knowing that what I write will bring encouragement to someone; that it will remind them of just how special, valuable and capable they are, and thereby help them to be a happier person.
Tell us about your writing process.
In regard to my writing process, I am definitely more of an outliner than a seat of the pants writer. In most aspects of my life, I'm usually a planner, so yes, I definitely use an outline.
I usually use a word processing software to outline, which comes in handy, because sometimes I would end up writing down entire paragraphs for the book I'm working on, which I can just copy and paste later. This saves me time, because if I had written it on paper, I would have to do the work twice by typing it, after having written it.
That said, I also use pen and paper sometimes, because it's more easily accessible at the time, rather than going through the process of first turning on the computer.
Who are your favorite authors?
My favorite author is Francine Rivers, and my favorite books are her Mark of the Lion series. She writes in such an engaging way that you simply can't put the books down.
I like to think that some of her writing style has rubbed off on me ๐
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I decided to self-publish because of the level of control that this gives me regarding decisions about my book, as well as the speed at which one can get a self-published book out there these days.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
In regard to the future of book publishing, I believe more and more authors will gravitate towards self-publishing because of the relative ease of the process.
What genres do you write?
I write in non-fiction – self-help, as well as fiction – clean and wholesome romance
What formats are your books in?
eBook, Print
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All information is provided by the author and is presented as it was submitted so you the reader get to hear the author’s own “voice” in their interview.