Ali Ashhar Author Bio:
Ali Ashhar is a poet and writer from Jaunpur, India who holds a MA in English Literature. He is the author of poetry collection, Mirror of Emotions. He has co-authored three international anthologies. He has contributed his articles exploring the depth of social issues in Good Morning Kashmir, The Muslim Vibe and My Voice Canada.
What inspires you to write?
I have been into writing since four years. I believe you should always try to define yourself with your work, so it's necessary to do what you love. Writing has always given my thoughts a patron. I believe art is something you can utilize to inspire and heal people.
Tell us about your writing process.
I am seat of the pants writer. I plot my themes on random experiences and situation that I go through or observe in my life. I am just curious to know more and more about life. I think a lot and my thoughts find words when I go through experiences. I believe anything in the universe can be your teacher if you have the vision to grasp and understand its teaching. Albert Einstein once said, “Education is not the learning of the fact, but the training of the mind to think.”
Who are your favorite authors?
The Essential Rumi by Rumi
Learning How to Fly by APJ Abdul Kalam
The Tempest by William Shakespeare
What genres do you write?
I mostly write free verse poetry.
How did you choose the genre(s) you write?
Free verse is the most apt genre that can accommodate my thoughts well in poems. Sometimes, I write classic poem too, but writing free verse poetry emancipates you from meter and rhythm, and allows your words to flow freely.
What three things are on your writing desk at any given moment?
Inspirational quotes, books, and dairy.
What hobbies do you have when you need a break from writing?
Playing football and nature hike
What formats are your books in?
eBook, Print
Author’s Social Media Links
All information is provided by the author and is presented as it was submitted so you the reader get to hear the author’s own “voice” in their interview.